Each month, I write one or two articles and post them on my blog. My goal is to appeal to my readers and gain new subscribers. If not, what reason would I have for a blog!
Last year (i.e. 2014) was a good year for me. It was a busy year! However, I still made time to write new articles to post on my blog. This year I intend to create more great articles that my readers and subscribers will enjoy.
When brainstorming for new topics to write about, I typically use a few sources; customer surveys, customer questions, and Google search results. Beyond Google search data, I also use Google Analytics to see what pages of my website people like most.
As a result, I thought I would share the Top 5 Articles viewed from my blog in 2014.
1. How to Calculate Local Gravity
Published: March 24, 2014 Page views: 994 % traffic: 7.36% Average Reading Time: 4m:03s
Does your laboratory work with pressure, force, or any measurement discipline that is affected by gravity? Then, knowing your local gravity is important. It can influence your measurement results and your uncertainty in measurement. So, I decided to make it easy for you calculate local gravity using some great resources and calculators.
According to Google Analytics, people loved it! It was my most read blog article this year and the third most popular viewed page on my website.
2. Uncertainty Budget Example
Published: October 29, 2012 Page views: 907 % traffic: 6.72% Average Reading Time: 3m:45s
If you have ventured past my blog to other pages of my website, you will notice that I calculate uncertainty in measurement results for laboratories. So, I posted an article that showcased my uncertainty budgets and the elements that make them essential for the estimation of uncertainty.
Since, estimating measurement uncertainty is one of the top 10 deficiencies found during laboratory assessment, it is easy to see why this article is popular. However, the design of my uncertainty budgets was updated in 2014; so, I will be posting a new article with updated uncertainty budget examples in 2015.
3. Best Measurement Uncertainty Guide for Beginners
Published: October 7, 2012 Page views: 904 % traffic: 6.70% Average Reading Time: 8m:53s
Similar to the second most popular article in 2014, this article is popular since there are many laboratories who have personnel who want to learn to estimate measurement uncertainty.
With today’s requirements for reporting calibration uncertainty, calculating uncertainty is no longer an option. If you wish to be ISO/IEC 17025 accredited, you will need to know how to estimate and report uncertainty in measurement results. Use the guides in this post to show you how.
4. 7 Performance Metric to Optimize Laboratory Quality and Productivity
Published: December 12, 2012 Page views: 691 % traffic: 5.12% Average Reading Time: 3m:33s
Data is critical to my decision making process. I collect, analyze, and use data every day to track where I am in relation to my goals and make decisions to help me achieve them. I believe that you should too! Why?
Five years ago, I could not tell you much analytically about how my calibration laboratory really performed. So, I decided to change that. Now, I track production, quality, customer satisfaction, and more using customized dashboards. It changed how I managed the laboratory and we have experienced explosive growth because of it. Therefore, I believe it is important to track your data and use it.
See what indicators I used to take my laboratory to the next level.
5. Rounding Uncertainty
Published: August 3, 2013 Page views: 239 % traffic: 1.77% Average Reading Time: 5m:29s
For years, there has been a great debate on the method for rounding uncertainty estimates to two significant figures. Many assessors asserted that uncertainties should be rounded up. I, on the other hand, proclaimed that conventional rounding should be acceptable (as well as other methods).
Well, I got my point across at the 2013 A2LA Annual Measurement Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting; and, we (the committee) voted to accept rounding methods that meet section 7.2.6 of the JCGM 100:2008 (the “GUM”). Therefore, I posted an article providing acceptable methods for rounding uncertainty.
Again, the five articles listed above were the Top 5 Posts read on my blog in 2014. If you have not read them yet, please take an opportunity to see what others like. As always, I enjoy your questions, comments, and feedback. Feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Tell me what you want to read about in 2015. I will add it to my editorial calendar!