“I have spent a monumental amount of time researching measurement uncertainty. There are many resources available online. However, the issue is that you will rarely find any two sources that agree on everything regarding measurement uncertainties. This makes researching measurement uncertainties on your own overwhelmingly confusing and extremely ineffective.
I have always excelled at math. I took four advanced math courses in high school just to avoid taking a foreign language. I was a nuclear reactor operator in the United States Navy. Yet, the process of calculating measurement uncertainties has always eluded me.
That is, until I enrolled in the measurement uncertainty class offered at isobudgets.com. This course is BY FAR the best measurement uncertainty course available. The courses are very well put together and organized. The instructor is very knowledgeable, helpful, and responsive.
When I first read the GUM, it was basically useless to me and none of it made sense because I did not understand the math involved. I now have a much deeper understanding of the math and fundamentals behind uncertainty calculations, and that is entirely because of the training course from isobudgets.com.
I absolutely recommend this course to all who consider themselves calibration and metrology professionals.”